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Get the Jump on Mosquitoes This Summer

July 15, 2013

As we get into the dog days of summer, the chances are that you’re already getting bugged by mosquitoes. They bite and spread diseases and are, in general, just a nuisance.


In the U.S. Northeast, this year’s population should be pretty substantial, too, judging by rainy conditions over the last few months. On top of that, the latest news is that a particularly nasty species is on the hunt this year in these parts: the Asian Tiger mosquito. Unlike their domestic cousins, which normally feed at dusk, Tiger mosquitoes, or Aedes albopictus, feed all day and have a fondness for biting humans, giving them greater opportunities to infect us with dangerous pathogens such as West Nile virus. The New York City Department of Health has issued an advisory to area residents to take precautions, noting that 41 New Yorkers were diagnosed with West Nile virus last year.


So what can you do to thwart the scourge of the Aedes albopictus? Remember the basics. You can try to control them by removing stagnant water nearby, importing natural predators such as dragonflies, chlorinating swimming pools and putting up netting and repairing window screens. Still, the most effective method is using insecticide to kill larvae and adults.


To fight a vicious pest such as the Tiger mosquito, we recommend the use of Black Jack Fly and Mosquito Killer Spray, which features a fast-kill ingredient that makes this product exceptional when used against flying insects. It can be used in enclosed spaces, and scented versions in cherry and pine will leave summer houseguests protected but not bothered.


Make sure you have some on hand when mosquitoes invade your territory.

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